Our Mission


Our mission is to empower and enrich the lives of adults with autism and developmental disabilities. We are committed to providing comprehensive and personalized services that promote independence, personal growth, and community integration. By focusing on individual strengths, interests, and aspirations, we strive to enhance overall functioning and quality of life. Through inclusive practices, vocational assistance, and social skills training, we aim to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.

Core Values

Establish – Create a community presence for individuals with disabilities
Choice – Empower clients to make decisions in career and work matters
Goal Setting – Identify, motivate, and achieve measurable career goals
Competency – The opportunity to demonstrate values and to be respected for what he or she does
Cease – Eliminating the stereotype that often follows the term, “disabled”.


Our mission is to empower and enrich the lives of adults with autism and developmental disabilities. We are committed to providing comprehensive and personalized services that promote independence, personal growth, and community integration. By focusing on individual strengths, interests, and aspirations, we strive to enhance overall functioning and quality of life. Through inclusive practices, vocational assistance, and social skills training, we aim to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.


Our vision is to be a leading provider of behavioral services for adults with autism and developmental disabilities, recognized for our exceptional quality of care and positive outcomes. We envision a future where every individual with autism and developmental disabilities has access to evidence-based, person-centered interventions that support their unique needs and foster their growth and development. By staying at the forefront of research and best practices in the field of behavioral services, we aspire to continuously improve and enhance the lives of those we serve.

Core Values

Establish – Create a community presence for individuals with disabilities
Choice – Empower clients to make decisions in career and work matters
Goal Setting – Identify, motivate, and achieve measurable career goals
Competency – The opportunity to demonstrate values and to be respected for what he or she does
Cease – Eliminating the stereotype that often follows the term, “disabled”.
Banner image showing a group of smiling people discussing on a topic

Acerca de Liberty Employment

MISIÓN – Nuestra misión es proveer servicios de empleo y
apoyo para individuos con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo y apacitarlos para alcanzar su mayor potencial.

VISIÓN – Liberty Employment Services será el “Modelo” de excelencia en la prestación de servicios para adultos con discapacidad intelectual.

VALORES FUNDAMENTALES – Establecer – Crear una presencia comunitaria para personas con
iscapacidadesElección – Capacitar a los clientes para que tomen decisiones en asuntos de carrera / trabajoEstablecimiento de metas – Identificar, motivar y lograr objetivos de carrera mensurablesCompetencia – La oportunidad de demostrar valores y ser respetada por lo que haceCesar – Eliminar el estereotipo que a menudo sigue el término “discapacitados”.

“We believe that all individuals, regardless of their developmental disability, physical challenges, or concurrent medical conditions, need stimulating activities and social interaction in a meaningful environment.”

Acerca de Liberty Employment

MISIÓN – Nuestra misión es proveer servicios de empleo y
apoyo para individuos con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo y apacitarlos para alcanzar su mayor potencial.

VISIÓN – Liberty Employment Services será el “Modelo” de excelencia en la prestación de servicios para adultos con discapacidad intelectual.

VALORES FUNDAMENTALES – Establecer – Crear una presencia comunitaria para personas con
iscapacidadesElección – Capacitar a los clientes para que tomen decisiones en asuntos de carrera / trabajoEstablecimiento de metas – Identificar, motivar y lograr objetivos de carrera mensurablesCompetencia – La oportunidad de demostrar valores y ser respetada por lo que haceCesar – Eliminar el estereotipo que a menudo sigue el término “discapacitados”.