Our Programs


Our organization promotes self-determination, personal growth, and community integration for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities in various ways.

Firstly, we prioritize collaboration with the individuals themselves, as well as their circle of support. We believe in activity involving them in decision-making processes and ensuring that their voices are heard. This helps to foster self-determination and allows individuals to have a say in their own care plan and goals.

Additionally, our personalized care plans are tailored to the specific needs and goals of everyone. We consider their strengths, interests, and aspirations, and work towards enhancing their independence and overall functioning. By focusing on their unique abilities, we encourage personal growth and provide opportunities to develop new skills and overcome challenges.

Image showing three people discussing on a topic
Furthermore, we offer Behavioral, psychological, mental, and health supports in a site-based setting and in the community utilizing generic resources for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. Liberty offers vocational assistance to help individuals with autism and developmental disabilities find meaningful employment or engage in activities that align with their interest and abilities.
Overall, our organization is dedicated to empowering individuals with autism and developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. We believe in their potential and strive to create an inclusive society where they can thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.